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Beechwood ACT Prep, Inc.
6254 Streamside Drive
Independence, KY 41051
Contact Us!
(Call, Text, or Email)
859-462-3414 or 513-646-3659
Class Location
Covington Catholic HS
1600 Dixie Hwy
Park Hills, KY 41011
We are currently accepting the following payments:
Check, cash, money order, or Venmo (@Julie-Rash-1)
Please include the Session # and your child's first and last name on the "Memo" line.
When are your classes?On our website, you can view our current “Schedule” at the bottom of the homepage. In short, we offer a session, consisting of six 6 classes/24 hours, before every national ACT test date.
How do I register for your classes?On our website, click on “Register for Classes” at the bottom. Fill-out the registration form completely and hit “SUBMIT” at the end of the form. You will receive a confirmation of registration email immediately.
What does it cost to attend your classes?The standard rate is $530; however, prices vary if you meet certain criteria.
How do I pay for your classes?1. Mail Payments (Make checks payable to Beechwood ACT Prep.) Beechwood ACT Prep, Inc. 6254 Streamside Drive Independence, KY 41051 2. Venmo Payment - @Julie-Rash-1 3. Installment Payments - Contact Julie Rash @ or 859-462-3414 4. Cash Payment - Contact Julie Rash @ or 859-462-3414
Do you register me for the ACT?No. You must register yourself for the ACT via the website. We do not register you because (1) your personal information is too sensitive for us to collect. ALWAYS protect your personal information! (2) Although we could guide you through the process, we don't want to take class time registering you - it is quite lengthy -and we want to get started teaching CONTENT and STRATEGIES right off the bat. Check the ACT registration deadlines at
When should I take your class?We prefer that you take the ACT at least once during high school prior to taking our course in orderto get a recent baseline score; however, you can take our classes without having taken an official ACT test.
Do non-Beechwood students attend your classes?Yes. We’ve even had kids from Tennessee, Indiana, West Virginia, and Iowa take our classes! You just never know whom you will meet in ACT Prep Class! In fact, non-Beechwood students make up most (if not all) of the class, so you will be in good company with, most likely, students from your school and from other schools in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. We began teaching together at Beechwood High School and our prep class is held on Beechwood Road, so it made sense to use the name, although our company has no legal affiliation with Beechwood Independent Schools.
What are your class sizes?Class sizes can be hard to predict, but we try to keep classes as small as possible. Ideally, we shoot for 30 students per class.
What exactly do you teach in your prep classes?Through a tremendous amount of analysis of official released ACT tests, Mrs. Rash and Mrs. Gatens have pared down what content students need to know to be successful on the English and Math tests. After practicing ACT skills with hundreds of hours with thousands of students, Mrs. Rash and Mrs. Gatens have chosen the most effective strategies to sharpen the skills to be successful on the Reading and Science tests. ●Mrs. Rash teaches the traditional English content of grammar and rhetoric and specific grammar rules that students need to know to get questions right on the English test. ●Mrs. Gatens teaches the Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Algebra II, and Trigonometry content seen on the Math section of the ACT as well as how to recognize what formulas and strategies you need to solve the problems. ●Mrs. Rash teaches specific reading strategies that cover both comprehension, multiple choice, and time-taking strategies specifically for the ACT Reading test. ●Mrs. Gatens discusses the three types of passages and uses specific strategies to break down the passages. She also discuss science vocabulary and jargon and how to recognize and evaluate content they may not understand in terms of each passage. In all four areas, students are afforded multiple times in class to attempt different strategies and find the one with which they are most comfortable.
How long are your sessions/classes?Each session is comprised of six (6) classes. Each class lasts four (4) hours with a ten-minute break in the middle. Depending on the number of registered students, we split our classes into two (2) sections; when one class is covering English and Reading, the other class is covering Math and Science. The classes are then flipped so that all four subjects are taught. English/ReadingClass = Twelve (12) hours Math/Science Class = Twelve (12) hours
Do you offer a guarantee that my score will increase?Yes. It doesn’t happen often, but if your COMPOSITE score does not increase after taking our classes, we will stick with you until it does! We don’t provide a money-back guarantee, but we will invite you back to our class FREE OF CHARGE if your composite score does not improve. Please note that you must attend EVERY class to take advantage of this offer.
What kind of score increase can I expect to see?We are sure that you understand that we cannot blindly predict or guarantee how much your score will increase, especially without knowing anything about you as a student. An increase in score depends on the following: ●Your official ACT baseline score ●Your academic ability (GPAs don’t always reflect true ability or knowledge.) ●Your work ethic Having said that, it is difficult to make blanket predictions, but we have seen everything from a 17-point increase (not common) to a 1-point increase in each area. A small piece of advice to parents: We ask you to be realistic when discussing goal scores with your kid. The pressure is already there for them...we need to encourage an increase in score, not discourage them because the number doesn’t match what you have in mind for them or doesn’t match what his or her older siblings got. Half the battle with this thing is helping them to believe that they can do it!
Do you offer makeup classes if I miss a class?No. We do not make-up classes that you miss. We will be more than glad to provide the notes and materials from the missed class on the day of the class you miss. Students are expected to makeup this work prior to attending the next class.
Who are the instructors for Beechwood ACT Prep?Julie Rash, who teaches the English and Reading sections, is a 28-year veteran, recently-retired English teacher who spent her career teaching English III, AP Language/Composition, and Remedial Reading/English for College Readiness at Rockcastle County (1994-1998), Gray Middle School (1998-2003), Ryle High School (2003-2006), and Beechwood High School (2006-2022). Lee Gatens, who teaches the Math and Science sections, is a 17-year veteran educator and currently teaches Algebra II and College Readiness, as well as serving as a teacher mentor at Pickett County High School in Byrdstown, Tennessee. She has also taught at Beechwood High School and has served as an assistant principal for Fort Thomas Independent Schools. Prior to teaching, Lee served as a United States Army Captain and proudly served our country in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
What can I do on my own to help myself prepare for taking the ACT? - Click this link to visit the ACT website to view the test content and individual test prep opportunities recommended by the makers of the ACT. Read. Read. Read. The bottom line is that if you don’t read as a general practice (always having a “good book” by your side), you will probably struggle with the skills portion of the test. Keep in mind that the Reading test is also 75% non-fiction, so many students struggle with the density of the information in the time frame given. Again, the best way to improve your score in reading is to read. I know that sounds simple...because it is.
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